tisdag 3 februari 2009

Jag vill bli Frisk!...please...

Haha..funny story...i actually started writing this post in swedish:P
Back to what I was planning on saying. I woke up this morning thinking, I am going to school today. Which I ended up doing, when i realized after some of Lovisa's wise words, that going home was pretty much the right plan after I had just gotten to school. I passed out by the time I got home and slept 2 hours! I really am tired of this("this being sick")!!!
I took the bus today, thank goodness. Its still freezing outside, but it doesn't look like it at all...its just cold:( Anyways...I took a random picture of the top of building."nothing". I think I might have looked a little wierd? Maybe?
Todays Song:
Chester French- She Loves Everybody

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