torsdag 9 oktober 2008

It was actually raining leaves!

I got to go into town today to meet up with a family friend, Cici. We went shopping for a little bit and went to eat lunch. A good day in town. On the way into town it literally felt like the sky was raining leaves. I even dodged some on the way:) It was kind of funny. When me and Cici were walking two girls came up to us to ask 5 questions:

  1. Do you believe kids use the computer more now than just 3 years ago?
  2. Do you ...i can't remember...?
  3. Do you think using the computer so much is a good or bad thing for the future?
  4. If there was a purchasable machine that could stop children from using the computer when parents weren't at home would you buy it?
  5. And how much would you pay for it?( I said 50 kr. and Cici said 1000 kr......)(6 kr.=1 dollar)

These questions made me really think about it...There is alot of time spent on the computer now a days. Just something to think about. We were at Cici's house for a while before I went to the movie and something scary happened. While we were upstairs we both heard footsteps and opening and shutting doors. A little creepy. First I thought it was someone in here family home. But when she called her dad, he said that we were the only two that were supposed to be at home.....Here mom ended up coming home to tell us that they were just ghosts and that thats what comes with living in an old house. So that was our creepy conclusion to a scary story:) Tonight was fun though I got to see Eagle Eye(Shia Lebouf!) with Bronte. I liked it alot, but then again what movie do I not like;)

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