onsdag 11 mars 2009

It's still snowing...

Today I have a no school day...probably the second one since school started in January..and its not exactly a bad thing. Last night i was supposed to go work out, but my foot still hurts from last friday, walking to school is even hard. Anyways...There's still snow outside, wierd to think that i went from being lucky for one day of snow in Texas, to it won't stop snowing in Sweden! It's not exactly a bad thing, but its definitely a weather change for me. I'm definitely enjoying being inside, where its warm, while snow is just falling outside my window;) It's Lovely. Last night to use a great weekday with no school we went to Fredricks house to watch a popular movie series called Beck. It's not bad. It's like CSI but in an entire movie.
<-Here are some of the test copies from Monday morning:) FUN!!!

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