Started the day off rushing out the door to make it to my physics class, where not much happened. Most of the people in my class i think were stressing out about the math test today. We got to have a little break with fika(break for coffee\tea and pastries) again. It's going to be weird going back to Texas where its not exactly normal with fika. I had language history and then math, where it took 10 minutes finally figure out that it wasn't going to work with the whole math test thing. So I got to leave early:) But my goal for this month, other than finishing all my applications for college is definitely trying to learn and understand their math. Tonight for dinner was the wonderful swedish pancakes. For sure the greatest thing possible. I ended up getting to make them. Not exactly the prettiest pancakes ever made, but they were at least eatable. Thats always a plus.
Yesterday I only had 2 late classes so I got to sleep in a while, but when I woke up it didn't feel
like I slept in at all. First chemistry then Swedish class(its for people that swedish as a second language). I had a huge break b\t those to classes! An entire 2 hours to do whatever, so I thought why not after 10 years of not understanding minesweeper learn today. I got the honor of being taught by the master himself Theodore Nilsson:)...In swedish class we got to tell stories in front of the class all in swedish. Some told fairytales, some told their own fiction stories, and some true stories. They were all great. The only thing worse than waking early in the morning for school, is leaving from school late where its black outside. Now it's geting dark at just 16.30. Not much other than that happened.

^above a picture taken last wednesday the day we came back from Spain^
2 kommentarer:
How come I am NOT mentioned in the minesweeperlerningchapter? huh?!
Is that better;)
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