As soon as I got to school today it started to rain, so I just got to hope on that the rain would leave before I had to go home, but why would the rain want to go away? It felt like the rain just felt like pouring harder than ever when we got to leave. Cute picture to the left. Its Fredrik and Lovisa, I couldn't not take a picture. I was supposed to be at school today from 8:10 till 17(5 P.M.) today, but because there was an open house today at school my last period class from 2 to 5

was cancelled:) If it wasn't raining it would have been a wonderful day. Me and Klara shared a rainy bike ride home to her house where we found Theo creeping by the window. We got to make a yummy chocolate cake, and played some awesome Dance, Dance Revolution. Too cool for school. It's been a long while since I played. I think the last time I played was actually at Allisons house, before I left for Sweden. I'm quite sure actually. Oh, the yearbook came out. The swedish yearbook is a little different than the senior portrait, school team, and prom queens yearbook we have in Texas. It includes every Gymnasium(High School) in the Linköping area. Not as personal. Here's a sweet picture of my new class:)
1 kommentar:
YEAY! I'm in it again!:D Hey! add me to you friends list;)
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