söndag 22 mars 2009


So I’m thinking the best/worse thing has ever happened on Thursday…My computer lost its capability of being wireless! Haha…i know silly:P It’s rediculous what a big part the internet plays while i’m here in Sweden. It’s my connection to friends and family at home in Texas and helps with projects and my future even(applications)..It’s kind of sick:( Well it gives me an excuse to not do those things that i have to do, but dont really want to do… Back to reality-> Friday I had school(pure awesomeness), got to work out, and for some fun I went to see Confessions of a Shopaholic with Nina. Great movie!!
On the way home from the movie we ran into some of Nina’s friends (it was approximately 11ish) and sat and just talked for a while, when I noticed that it 11.30ish.. The plan was in just about 5 hours head to Göteborg, only like the second largest city in Sweden. We went to go pick up my host sister, Charlotte, from her internship, and stayed over night at a hotel. SO much fun just a relaxing on Saturday and this morning with the Gahm family:) Time was spent shopping, eating great food, and of course seeing Göteborg… On the drive home this morning(3 hours)it started snowing!...again… and 3½ hours later it is still snowing!!

My first time---> Yesterday was my first time to get a cup of Jasmine tea with a real flower inside!

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