måndag 20 oktober 2008

Good Day...Bad News...

I'm feeling like my whole life has been ripped out of me right now. I thought I would be smart by downloading my ipod into the computer. I lost 2000 songs to 80 random ones. It kind of stinks...actually it stinks alot...Other than that todays been a good day. I had some school and then went to the park with some friends. Random Story: At school I learned that there was a girl who drank 52 liters of water in one day and ended up in Acoma. So be careful:) We Thought it would be fun to take some fun pictures in the park. One of my friends, friends lives in SOUTH Africa(important to remember that its south africa) was going home tomorrow.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

NOOO! did you do that without me?! I was going to help you on Wednesday. That really stinks. I kinda feel with you. You should have waited. Love our parkpiccies:D (i'm the guy with the white coat)

Anonym sa...

I love that park picture of you!!!