måndag 27 oktober 2008
Not much time....
fredag 24 oktober 2008
And We're Off!
From yesterday being sick, I'm feeling a little better. I'm just getting nervous about the pain I'm probably going to get to experience while I'm flying.....Now I'm dressed and searching for the last minute tasks I need to do before I leave, and of course being me, there probably will be:)
torsdag 23 oktober 2008
2 more days..............

onsdag 22 oktober 2008
My Senior Year
tisdag 21 oktober 2008
News Update
måndag 20 oktober 2008
Good Day...Bad News...
söndag 19 oktober 2008
lördag 18 oktober 2008
Stupid dress stress is making me forget to write in my blog! Tonight is the big night, birthday party where supposedly 170 people are invited. Not too many people:) I'm really excited though I have 5 dresses to choose from and I'm struggeling to choose...I'll probably end up choosing a dress last minute as if this isn't last minute as it is.
Sad but true, yesterday was my last ever cooking class at Anders Ljungstedts Skolan EVER!! It was a fun class and I got to learn alot, from making bread, to meat, to sweets:)
It ended up becoming an Idol 2008 night last night, when I got home. I can't believe Robin was put in the bottom two! Don't really "understand"....(suprising) But now I have to clean so I can have fun tonight.
torsdag 16 oktober 2008
Yes for College
It's always fun with some bad news(being really sarcastic), it turns out I'm two weeks late on registering for voting in the elections, Obama vs. McCain. One of the biggest elections ever, and the first one I could have been a part of, and its to late. Not so exciting I must say. Theres always the next election.
Yesterday I had my second ever swedish class. It was alot of fun. We all got to tell stories about anything from whenever in a circle around a candle and next class we all get to tell another story as a grade. I have to think of something to talk about for 4 minutes, we'll have to see what I can come up with:)
tisdag 14 oktober 2008
A Nice Hot Cup of Tea

Today was a just an ok day. Nothing to exciting at school happened, just a little math, chemistry, and three full hours of my environmental class...awesome!...I haven't actually done much since that. I've been able to talk to my mom. Thats always fun:) I've been thinking alot about college. It's officially Texas Tech in Lubbock for a year and then we'll see what happens after that. Oh some great news! I don't have to retake the SAT or ACT. Tomorrow will be nice though I get skip a physics test.
måndag 13 oktober 2008
Other Than That...
<--The view from Physics today.
- I have to order the yearbook(think it might be late, and to top it off I wouldn't even know how to do it)
- I have to order my graduation hat(the same thing as number 1)>>>>
- I have to apply to college(about 4 different ones before November, no later than Christmas).
- I have to by a jacket since I forgot the fleece I've been using since I got here in Stockholm.
- I have to by a dress for an awesome party this weekend.
- I need to read 25 pages in a swedish book.
Hopefully I can get it all done with blacking out:) So I should probably start by going to bed for midnight tonight(I don't REALLY go to bed that late;).