So I definitely went back to high school. It's pretty much the same idea as high school their just a little bit older. I've been riding my bike everyday back and forth to school and back. I had help the first day by my neighbor, Elin. My first day of school was on Tuesday, but it wasn't really school it was just at school. We ended up having an hour of just information of what we were getting ourselfs into. There are 4 exchange students at Katedralskolan so far including myself. Their from India, Spain, Austria, and me, from Texas:) My introduction was them asking my name and where i was from. So by the end of the day pretty much everyone new me and I knew no one. In Gymnasiet they have the years of school. It's a tradition in Sweden for the 3rd year students(my class) to make the first graders feel like zeros. So for about two or three weeks their considered as zeros, until they past the test to be a first grader. The tests are pretty intense. I got invited for the first night of the tests where they make them feel like their nobodies. It was actually pretty exciting. Yesterday was the big night of games, to try to embaress them. We ended up getting there at 7 at night and not coming home to around 2 in the morning.
So now it's the weekend, and I'm supposed to be out with some friends, but i'm pretty much exhausted and wanted to stay home to have a "family" night. My uncle made enchiladas that were amazing. I've never had homemade enchiladas, and to have them in Sweden, i thought was kind of funny.
Well until next time,
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