fredag 30 januari 2009

I'm Sick and Tired of Being Sick!!

The Good Times Before I got Sick...I woke up Wednesday morning sick...again. I really don't enjoy being sick at all! There are classes that I'm actually taking this semester that I look forward to taking. Today I even tried to go to my new photography class but it felt as if I just got worse:( Thursday I was planning to buy my Ball dress, but it didn't seem to agree with my body...not so cool! So tomorrow, its going to happen. It has to happen. Did I mention the day before I got sick got my first real membership to a gym;) Oh yah, welcome the new and healthier Ann! Well, I guess I'll start after I'm done being sick...

Love this Song

tisdag 27 januari 2009

A Swedish Prom

Heres a video I found, a little taste, of what will be happening at the Swedish version of Prom:)

söndag 25 januari 2009

Thats what i call a well spent weekend...

This weekend couldn't have been more amazing! Got to go up to Stockholm for one night with great friends to see Chris Brown. And we got home in time to sleep in before the second bal training..SO much fun..I can't really seem to get over it:P Last night I had a great dinner with two great families. My current family were so great as to invite my new to be family. I move in just 13 days from today. Its kind of crazy! Today I had school again. Suprising, I know;) I started with my photography class..I couldn't have started a Monday morning better, other than maybe sleeping a little longer. Did I mention that I set off riding my bike(first time since just a couple of weeks ago, and the time before that was around the first week of December) at 7:15 a.m.. Just driving is difficult, but than having to actually work to get to school in the morning definitely wakes you up. I had biology again this morning(Love It). We're actually learning stuff that I know. Right now its a little of what I learned Junior year in Anatomy. Oh, and then theres the dress... I set out to the store after school today to buy a dress, when it didn't really turn out as planned. It turns out that there are a couple more pretty dresses out there, making my mind more messed up(haha..alot of m's). So I just have to decide no later than pressure at all. And then to top off the day, I ended it with a great hockey night Linköping vs. Djurgården(2-1)..Linköping WON!!

Chris Breezy

^Before Chris Brown Concert!!^

^Waiting for Chris Brown Concert!!^

^The First View of Chris Brown in Concert!!^

^Singing with Chris Brown in Concert^

^Seeing Chris Brown Shirtless in Concert^

^Us Going Crazy After Chris Brown Concert!!^

torsdag 22 januari 2009

Chris Brown TOMORROW!!!

My Day Off...

So today was a day to relax and not have to stress about the next class to come, instead it was a day to stress about the Ball Dress...the thing I really want to do before the Chris Brown concert. It was just great:)
I got to meet Jennifer to go eat lunch and just catch up on everything. And most importantly I would think would be that she helped me with looking for a dress, I would think;)
Thank You Jennifer!!
Its definitely not the same as looking for a dress in Texas, at least that I know of. Here I actually have to decide latest next week, because it takes 3 to 3 1/2 months(even 4 in some cases), so that I can order it on time. It's just awesome isn't it.
*Here's a dress that I very much liked(it won't be white).
Hehe..this picture makes me kind of look awkward I must say:P

onsdag 21 januari 2009

The Choice Is Made...Officially

I have seen the Inauguration of President of Barack Obama:)

At 12 p.m. on January 20, 2009 in Washington D.C. Barack Obama was officially made President!!!

tisdag 20 januari 2009

CuPcAkEs or MuFfInS?

Its really cold Here!!

I keep thinking last month or last week was cold, than today and tomorrow comes and its like nothing compared to it! I'm freezing! It's a wierd kind of enjoyable though:) I get to live in place in the world where snow exists...Snow is a non existable thing in Texas, ice is but not snow.

---^---Love This Song by Benton Paul---^---

söndag 18 januari 2009

Yesterday was a recharge and a good relaxful night spent with friends and the wonderful Björn Gustafsson:) This morning was the first ball training. I officially cant wait till the next practice. It was way to much fun. Right when I got home, my family was out the door going to there summer house to clean up a little, so I went with them. SOO PRETTY!!--->>>

Friday Night*

Friday I had my second ever photography class, was spent mostly descussing the class guidelines and some fun facts about the camera. Stuff I never knew about till then. And well i kind of rode my bike to school..really bad idea, on the way home i barely got 100 meters before i couldn't feel my i ended up taking the bus home..a very smart idea i must say;) Friday night i went to a new movie called The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, definitely different, but suprisingly really good!

lördag 17 januari 2009

The Past Month!!

In the past month has gone by soo fast..and quite alot happened, actually;)
There was TomteFesten("SantaClauseParty")--->

There was the Last Day of School before Christmas--->

There was Christmas--->

Then there was new years spent in the sunny Canary Islands--->

The Day we Come Back from the heat..this is what it looked like--->