So i've thought of something, weird i know :P I've thought about how much I have done this year in Sweden, I might be seriously bored when I go home to Texas! Ahhh its making me sad thinking about it, and also quite exhausting...
söndag 7 juni 2009
onsdag 3 juni 2009
Balen '09
I thought it was about time :P
Alot has happened since the last update... It's been crazy, I don't even have to study and its crazy!! I guess I'll start with all the studentskivor, which are like a bunch of little proms, dinner and dancing... I've gone to 4 and been invited to 5, YAYA!




tisdag 5 maj 2009
CP Dator!
My computer might just be driving me crazy! No it won't even turn on. One day it will be fixed, and life will be great again:P
I can survive without my computer..I swear! I had school today, and got to ride my bike through the rain to get there. Even though I was a tad angry about the rain, it was still beautiful outside, and it smelled so fresh! A smell that doesn't even exist at 6 in the morning at a golf course in Texas! Thats fresh...haha...Now it's sunny again, and about to leave to go work out with Klara. YAY! It's definitely something I am going to start when I go home again. I feel super good afterwards! After tommorow the next week will be NON-STOP doing things. My first studentskiva, school next morning, Kalmar for 3 days, back again just in time for my second studentskiva, and balträning next morning. I most likely wont be posting anything for the next week=) INTENSE!
torsdag 30 april 2009
onsdag 29 april 2009
Fun fact of the day, last night I didn't come home till around 9ish and it was still bright outside! And to add on to the crazyness, its hot in Sweden! Am I blowing your mind!?! haha...I had lunch today outside with Helen my contactperson for rotary. It such a pretty day today, and now I'm stuck in school again to sit in a class for about 2 hours...Awesome(sarcasm):P I have an hour of bal practice today which should be a lot of fun:) It's seriously intense!
An Der Schönen Blauen Donau
6 * 2+2 (runt, runt, fram, fram.)
8 * 7+1 1 * 11 runt (Herren backar.)
3 * 7+1 1 * 10 runt (Herren fram, vänstervals.)
Resterande 7+1 vänster, höger.
Rosor från söder
Herren fram till nästa dam när musiken börjar.
Upbjudning (Herren vänster hand, damen höger hand.)
16 fram (börjar med ytterfötterna.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram, dam fram 4 runt
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram, herren fram 4 runt
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Kicksteg hö, vä, hö ,vä (3 kick, 3 springsteg.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram, dam fram 4 runt
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Kicksteg hö, vä, hö ,vä (3 kick, 3 springsteg.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram 4 runt (knäfall, vänster knä.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Guld och Silver
Uppbjudning (gå inte ner förrän ni hör de hårdare slagen "DA-DA")
(kav vänster hand , damen höger hand.)
4 * Från och emot, från och emot (ytterfötterna, herrarna händerna på ryggen.)
Vals, herren börjar med vänster bak, dansa fyra takter. Sista omgången ska ni dansa färdigt så att herren har ryggen i dansriktningen.
Kedjan, (herrarna händerna på ryggen, medsols) herrarna börjar utåt, sicksack mellan varje partner. Åtta takter, vänd runt 4:e tillbaka och finn din egen partner.
Vals, (herren med ansiktet i dansriktningen, höger, höger), på åttonde takten lilla lyftet, fortsätt åt samma håll och på nästa åttonde stora lyftet. Placera damen till höger.
Herre fram 16 takter, (valssteg) händerna på ryggen, mot/från damerna, flörtande.
Damerna fram 16 takter, sätter näsan i vädret och nobbar varje kille tills hon lycklig ser sin egen kavaljer.
Högervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) höger, vänster (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Vals, (herren med ansiktet i dansriktningen, höger, höger), på åttonde takten lilla lyftet, fortsätt åt samma håll och på nästa åttonde stora lyftet. Placera damen till höger.
2 * Kicksteg, (valsfattning) herren vänster fot, dam höger, damen snurrar under armen medan herren under dessa två takter går fram och står med ryggen i dansriktningen.
Vals fyra takter herren vänster fot bak (ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Kedjan, herren stannar vänster om sin dam utan att röra vid henne.
Uppbjudning, (vänster hand herren, höger hand dam.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
2 * Från/emot, från/emot Vals (4 takter) herren ryggen i dansriktningen.
2 * Kicksteg (Valsfattning)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
2 * Kicksteg (Valsfattning)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
An Der Schönen Blauen Donau
6 * 2+2 (runt, runt, fram, fram.)
8 * 7+1 1 * 11 runt (Herren backar.)
3 * 7+1 1 * 10 runt (Herren fram, vänstervals.)
Resterande 7+1 vänster, höger.
Rosor från söder
Herren fram till nästa dam när musiken börjar.
Upbjudning (Herren vänster hand, damen höger hand.)
16 fram (börjar med ytterfötterna.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram, dam fram 4 runt
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram, herren fram 4 runt
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Kicksteg hö, vä, hö ,vä (3 kick, 3 springsteg.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram, dam fram 4 runt
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Kicksteg hö, vä, hö ,vä (3 kick, 3 springsteg.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
4 fram 4 runt
4 fram 4 runt (knäfall, vänster knä.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Guld och Silver
Uppbjudning (gå inte ner förrän ni hör de hårdare slagen "DA-DA")
(kav vänster hand , damen höger hand.)
4 * Från och emot, från och emot (ytterfötterna, herrarna händerna på ryggen.)
Vals, herren börjar med vänster bak, dansa fyra takter. Sista omgången ska ni dansa färdigt så att herren har ryggen i dansriktningen.
Kedjan, (herrarna händerna på ryggen, medsols) herrarna börjar utåt, sicksack mellan varje partner. Åtta takter, vänd runt 4:e tillbaka och finn din egen partner.
Vals, (herren med ansiktet i dansriktningen, höger, höger), på åttonde takten lilla lyftet, fortsätt åt samma håll och på nästa åttonde stora lyftet. Placera damen till höger.
Herre fram 16 takter, (valssteg) händerna på ryggen, mot/från damerna, flörtande.
Damerna fram 16 takter, sätter näsan i vädret och nobbar varje kille tills hon lycklig ser sin egen kavaljer.
Högervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) höger, vänster (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Vals, (herren med ansiktet i dansriktningen, höger, höger), på åttonde takten lilla lyftet, fortsätt åt samma håll och på nästa åttonde stora lyftet. Placera damen till höger.
2 * Kicksteg, (valsfattning) herren vänster fot, dam höger, damen snurrar under armen medan herren under dessa två takter går fram och står med ryggen i dansriktningen.
Vals fyra takter herren vänster fot bak (ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Kedjan, herren stannar vänster om sin dam utan att röra vid henne.
Uppbjudning, (vänster hand herren, höger hand dam.)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
2 * Från/emot, från/emot Vals (4 takter) herren ryggen i dansriktningen.
2 * Kicksteg (Valsfattning)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
2 * Kicksteg (Valsfattning)
Vänstervals 2 * Repriser (7+1) vänster, höger (dam ryggen i dansriktningen.)
Translations--> Vänster- Left
Höger- Right
Runt- Round
Dam- Lady
Herr- Gentleman
måndag 27 april 2009
Today was a very normal Monday, for me. Tired after the weekend. Stressed for upcoming plans. And friends that study:P I had school today from 8 till 2. Photography till 10, Biology till 12, lunch, then physics till 2. GREATNESS;) I fixed my dress after school, I wore it for about 30 minutes before I really felt comfortable in it. I'm not used to wearing such an elegant dress. Not only is it beautiful, but also quite expensive.... When I got home I went straight to brainstorming on my project for rotary, then sat outside in the sun for a while. With all the cold wether we got to experience I'm thinking we deserve the sun=)
Good Morning Sverige
The sun woke me up this morning at 6 a.m. Thats definitely something I'm going to have to get used to:P
söndag 26 april 2009
Friday was spent celebrating Nina getting her drivers license. It started with driving as much as possible before we had to eat:) I made her drive me to Gamla Linköping("old Linköping"). Random I know:P But sO much fun! We left to go pick up Klara & Vickan, where we drove yet again to buy some greatness to grill in the park. When we were done there, left to go rent a movie, De Vuxna, a french movie, personally, not the greatest movie, but Björn Gustaffson was in it;) The night ended with meeting some friends in town. Great Friday!' 

Yesterday was really good. Lunch in the park, Musical at night, mys kväll at Camilla's house, and in town at night to meet Nina.

Today woke up early to go to an early practice for balen with Nina, left to have lunch with Nina, went back to practice where i ran into everyone, and watched them practice. I love watching others practice! We left early to make it in time for the Show with Nina, where I was happily supprised see that another friend Johan was also in the show:)
Fun Fact---If you click on the picture above of Nina in the locker room, you will notice her shirt:P It's funny, b/c she has worn that shirt to school several times now, and no one says anything about it. Where in Texas, if she wore that to my school, it would be a somewhat of a deal. Interesting I know:) 
torsdag 23 april 2009
A Gr8 Day 2 B in Linköping

Today was really good. It was possible to sit outside and NOT freeze! That itself is awesome. Me and some friends went into to town to just hang out. And it was seriously alot of fun. I got to see Bronte again. I miss her! I barely get to see her anymore... We all bought ice cream, and it seriously was the best 2 choices i've made in a very long time. Passion Fruit & Blood Orange Sorbet A-MAZE-ING!!! I ended up getting a serious red tounge and red lips with it:P
At about 9 o'clock tonight I officially signed up to go on the European Tour. This means I get to go on a once in a life time adventure, but get leave some the greatest friends ever a little early.
Thats what I call seriously BitterSweet!
tisdag 21 april 2009
StudentMössa vs. Graduation Cap
Which ones prettier? I'm thinking that that question is pretty simple, but in thought of which one means the most to me. I would most likely say the one from graduating from Southwest Christian School. I worked the hardest for;)
Oh by the way, a famous kid goes to my school! Well maybe not, but out of all the contestants shown on a famous television show here in Sweden, they showed one the students from the second ring. PRETTY AWESOME! I think so at least:P
Oh by the way, a famous kid goes to my school! Well maybe not, but out of all the contestants shown on a famous television show here in Sweden, they showed one the students from the second ring. PRETTY AWESOME! I think so at least:P
måndag 20 april 2009
My Dress!!
söndag 19 april 2009
torsdag 16 april 2009
I went to school today...took a while, but i made it:P I woke up and thought, No Chance, but
then got some serious motivation to go after listening to Miley Cyrus-The Climb!! LOVE IT!!! Although I think I might of felt more sick when I got to school.....Kerstin(my school mentor) and Helen(my Rotary mentor) called me today in the same day. The quick way to Stress...not even kidding. It's nice that I got to talk to them, just sad when there both within 2 hours.
I went into town after school with two friends. Now when the suns out and its "warm" I start going through town recognizing almost every other person :) Its really awesome! In texas it would be crazy if you ran into someone outside of school. ...We of course had to buy Bosses Glass, The greatest ice cream in Linköping;)
I went into town after school with two friends. Now when the suns out and its "warm" I start going through town recognizing almost every other person :) Its really awesome! In texas it would be crazy if you ran into someone outside of school. ...We of course had to buy Bosses Glass, The greatest ice cream in Linköping;)
onsdag 15 april 2009
Easter vs. Påsk
Easter in Sweden isn't very different from Easter spent in Texas, maybe instead of a basket to put gifts in, the kids get gifts that the parents or the giver put into large eggs. Heres what I got from my lovelly family:D.......(^the picture above^)
torsdag 9 april 2009
I'm not quite sure what they call this day,Thursday, in english, but its seems to be a very celebrated day in Sweden. I went into town with Nina where I saw another version of a chrismas tree. A tree with NO leaves, and on almost every end of the branches would hang feathers. You can find it everywhere here in Linköping. It's fun with all these decorations. It makes the holiday more enjoyable:P I really want to show pictures, but the whole computer thing is working out right now:( Tonight my family that I'm living with is about to have everyone(in the family) come over to celbrate easter. FunFun:)
It's been a while since i last updated yet again. I should be getting my computer back again, pictures should be going up when I do.
This week I dont have school again! It's the last break before summer...soo many breaks. This might be my most active week too! I'm really starting to use all of my time wisely before I go home again. Just 3 more months left and I'm back in the state of Texas. It's really wierd to think about it.
Thursday: Easter Party
Friday: Berta from Spain had a party
Saturday: Movie Night with the girls
Sunday: Bal Träning & Movie-> Män Som Hatar Kvinnor...GREAT MOVIE!
Monday-Tuesday: Stockholm
Wednesday: Bal Träning & After Ski Party
Thursday: Celebrate Skärtorsdagen w/ family
It's been a while since i last updated yet again. I should be getting my computer back again, pictures should be going up when I do.
This week I dont have school again! It's the last break before summer...soo many breaks. This might be my most active week too! I'm really starting to use all of my time wisely before I go home again. Just 3 more months left and I'm back in the state of Texas. It's really wierd to think about it.
Thursday: Easter Party
Friday: Berta from Spain had a party
Saturday: Movie Night with the girls
Sunday: Bal Träning & Movie-> Män Som Hatar Kvinnor...GREAT MOVIE!
Monday-Tuesday: Stockholm
Wednesday: Bal Träning & After Ski Party
Thursday: Celebrate Skärtorsdagen w/ family
måndag 30 mars 2009
So it’s almost been entire week since last update! Not so good… Since the last update I have been in Stockholm, I’ve been in school, I’ve been at a rotary lunch with my host mother, and been with some great friends. Oh and worked out twice! YAY! I went to Stockholm and its was most likely one of the longest days I’ve had in a long long time…At least since the day I flew to Sweden(that took a while)…
The trip to Stockholm was amazing! We got a little taste of everything(well educationally).
· 8 a.m. leave from school
· 10 a.m. at science museum , where I learned about the evolution of man and homosexual animals? Interesting i must say…
· 11:30 Imax movie about the life under the water- The movie was supposed to have the voices of johnny dept and kate winslet, but for the childrens sake, they were two people from sweden talking over them…
· 2 p.m. went to the swedish government building, only pretty much awesome!
· 4ish had fika in the old town of Stockholm, definitely cute:P
· 6p.m. ran to find dinner before the theater was about to start.
· 6:30 p.m. ate before the play started
· 7 p.m. play started(Charlotte Löwensköld by Selma Lagerlöv)
· 11:00 headed back home(saw twillight with the 20 other trying to watch)
· 1:30 arrived back in Linköping
· 2: a.m. got to sleep 5 hours before school started again

· 8 a.m. leave from school
· 10 a.m. at science museum , where I learned about the evolution of man and homosexual animals? Interesting i must say…
· 11:30 Imax movie about the life under the water- The movie was supposed to have the voices of johnny dept and kate winslet, but for the childrens sake, they were two people from sweden talking over them…
· 2 p.m. went to the swedish government building, only pretty much awesome!
· 4ish had fika in the old town of Stockholm, definitely cute:P
· 6p.m. ran to find dinner before the theater was about to start.
· 6:30 p.m. ate before the play started
· 7 p.m. play started(Charlotte Löwensköld by Selma Lagerlöv)
· 11:00 headed back home(saw twillight with the 20 other trying to watch)
· 1:30 arrived back in Linköping
· 2: a.m. got to sleep 5 hours before school started again
Saturday night I was with some friends and supposedely at around 8ish there was something called earth hour. Kind of awesome. Everyone all over the world was supposed to turn out the lights for an hour. I'm not quite sure if everyone was actually a part of it, but at least we were;)
We had balträning yesterday, and we actually started with the lifts. So much fun!! We haven't gotten it perfect yet, but we will...
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